Projects Breadcrumb Connector Azerbaijan – 2020

Azerbaijan - 2020

European Union support for Vocational Education and Training

Skills improvement
Institutional reinforcement

This project’s general objective is to improve the levels of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to make the programme attractive and suitable for the labour market.

  • Support the Ministry of Education in monitoring VET reforms.
  • Improvement of Vocational Education and Training policies and the regulatory framework.
  • Improvement of the multilevel VET management system and governance.
  • Activation of the social partners’ participation. Develop VET (educational standards) qualifications and curricula linked to labour standards and employ them in prioritized sectors.

 3.1 M EUR

  • VET policy and regulatory framework: medium- and long-term VET policy, Development of VET law and secondary legislation.
  • Multilevel management system for VET and governance: Launch of the VET agency, the VET management information system linked to labour needs.
  • Development and implementation of a VET monitoring system, school management regulations, and new financing mechanisms. Promotional activities to increase VET’s appeal.
  • Development of VET (Education Standards) Qualifications and Curricula and testing of education standards, curriculum development procedures, and legislation, including the regulation of practical training.
  • Development and implementation of the VET online resource platform (access to study plans, teaching materials, etc.).
  • Support for the Ministry of Education in supervising VET reforms.