This project’s general objective is to improve the levels of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to make the programme attractive and suitable for the labour market.
Projects Azerbaijan – 2020
Azerbaijan - 2020
European Union support for Vocational Education and Training
Skills improvement
Institutional reinforcement
- Support the Ministry of Education in monitoring VET reforms.
- Improvement of Vocational Education and Training policies and the regulatory framework.
- Improvement of the multilevel VET management system and governance.
- Activation of the social partners’ participation. Develop VET (educational standards) qualifications and curricula linked to labour standards and employ them in prioritized sectors.
3.1 M EUR
- VET policy and regulatory framework: medium- and long-term VET policy, Development of VET law and secondary legislation.
- Multilevel management system for VET and governance: Launch of the VET agency, the VET management information system linked to labour needs.
- Development and implementation of a VET monitoring system, school management regulations, and new financing mechanisms. Promotional activities to increase VET’s appeal.
- Development of VET (Education Standards) Qualifications and Curricula and testing of education standards, curriculum development procedures, and legislation, including the regulation of practical training.
- Development and implementation of the VET online resource platform (access to study plans, teaching materials, etc.).
- Support for the Ministry of Education in supervising VET reforms.