National University of Agriculture

Technological Strengthening of the National University of Agriculture for the Development of Inclusive and Modern Higher Education (UNA/FOTESIM).


Executed under the “turnkey” modality, it responded to the University’s need for the acquisition of adequate equipment to develop an efficient management of the training work in the areas of agricultural and livestock sciences.

We contribute to the development of Honduran society with emphasis on the rural sector, in order to improve growth and sustainable development.

 6.7 M €


The contract covered the following items:

A set of technological subprojects to strengthen and modernize the University’s teaching-learning, production and research processes.

Process of social inclusion through policies of access to higher education, providing opportunities for the most disadvantaged groups.

Reinforcement of the institution’s technical competencies through theoretical and practical training of university staff: administration, operation and maintenance of facilities.


Analytical Laboratories (UNACIFOR)

Implementation of a wood energy program to strengthen analytical laboratories for research and technology transfer.


Integral execution for the National University to develop the conditioning, equipment and organization of seven laboratories, consolidate research capabilities through the specialization in wood energy and strengthen technology transfer.

Contribute to the sustainable development of the country by strengthening laboratories and training human resources.

 2.0 M $


  • Strengthen the seven existing laboratories (chemistry, physics, herbarium, soils, wood technology, geographic information center and wood energy) by refurbishing, equipping and organizing them.
  • To create research capabilities through the specialization of 10 researchers and 7 laboratorians in wood energy.
  • Establish an annual institutional training and technology transfer program for wood energy.

Argentina 2017


Various elements and accessories for the laboratories of the National Motorway Administration for the Norte Grande Road Infrastructure Programme.

Argentina 2014


Acquisition of laboratory materials for the Science Teaching Plan – Primary for the Support Programme for the Policy to Improve Educational Equity (PROMEDU II).

11,000 schools throughout Argentina

Basic Education Schools


Construction, equipment, technical assistance and training of nine-grade compulsory basic education and pre-basic education centers in communities of extreme poverty.


The contract includes the construction of the complete infrastructure of four basic education centers in four municipalities in Honduras.

Provide each of the centers built with furniture, didactic equipment, training materials and bibliographic resources to develop teaching activities, as well as workshop equipment and tools for training students in specific subjects in accordance with the labor demand of the different areas where the centers are located.

The total built area was 16,675.42 m2.

 9.5 M €


The contract includes the following items:

  • Pre-school and elementary school classrooms, administrative areas, school lunchroom, library, teachers’ lounge, cafeteria, restroom modules, computer lab, natural sciences lab, adapted workshops. They also include areas for agricultural training, guard house, multipurpose sports court, recreation areas, drinking water storage tank, and general exterior works,
  • Training in Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of buildings, installations and equipment.
  • Laboratory training in Natural Sciences, Carpentry, Welding and Electricity, Agriculture and Livestock, and Computer Science.
  • Provision of technical and didactic documentation, as well as self-study materials for each of the students in the courses.
  • Evaluation of the transfer of training to the job.
  • Training Plan and improve the impact of the transfer to the job, with Technical Support services after the completion of the training courses.

Senegal 2011


Supply, installation, and commissioning of the component equipment of the “Maisons a Outils” project in the Thiès and Kolda regions.