Projects Breadcrumb Connector China 2008

China 2008
Instrimpex International Tendering Company

Jilin Agicultural University


The objective of the project was the acquisition of laboratory instrumentation for Jilin University, consisting of enhancing the training and research capacity of the institution by supplying high-tech equipment and training teachers.

Executive project for the construction of the necessary infrastructure at the University, the provision of goods and required equipment, and the complementary technical assistance.

The supply consists of scientific equipment for the university’s various laboratories. Among the tasks carried out, we take care of the assembly, installation, and start-up of the equipment and the teachers are provided with training related to operation and maintenance.

The components of the project include a specific training and technical assistance component aimed at the university faculty involved.

 2.8 M USD


  • Supervision of the suitability of the physical infrastructure and pre-installations in the laboratories and workshops receiving the equipment.
  • Supply, assembly, installation, and commissioning of supplied equipment.
  • Training and technical assistance for teachers, including a specific component for training in the management and maintenance of the supplied equipment.
  • Provision of after-sales and warranty services for the supplied equipment.
  • No. of trained teachers: 15