News Breadcrumb Connector Technical assistance to the education and labor sectors

Technical assistance to the education and labor sectors


Institutional reinforcement

Eductrade has been awarded the contract “Technical Assistance to the education and labor sectors of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

The project's main goal is to improve the learning outcomes and employability of Tajik youth, with a special focus on those in vulnerable situations.

 8,13 M €

The project, contracted by the Delegation of the European Union in Tajikistan, started in October 2022, and will last for five years (60 months).
This will be achieved through:
  • Strengthening the quality and relevance of competency-based general secondary education and VET to the needs of students and the labor market.
  • Improving the Labor Market Information System, which connects skills supply and demand and serves as a basis for skills development and matching policies.
  • Improving the governance of the education sector in terms of new financing schemes, strengthened policy development, monitoring and evaluation capacity, and coordination with stakeholders.

Technical Assistance (TA) will focus on capacity building of beneficiary ministries and relevant national agencies. It will work on developing the skills, knowledge and competencies of these institutions to implement reforms in the policy areas covered by the QESP II Program. This program will provide tools, methodologies and advisory services to strengthen the capacity and service delivery of partner ministries and agencies to implement, connect and monitor reforms in the education sector and their linkages with the labor market and employment.