Projects Breadcrumb Connector East Timor 2004

East Timor 2004

Ministry of Health

Skills improvement
Institutional reinforcement

Training and supply of equipment for the University of Development Studies and Polytechnic Institute in order to contribute to the development of the country.

Collaborate in the design of hospital management and indirectly in the planning of the healthcare network in the country; a collaboration that would cover regulatory, structural, and especially organizational aspects within the framework established by the Ministry of Health (Healthcare Plan).

 114 K EUR 

  • Support in the coordination and standardization of actions and processes between the General Directorate of Health and the six hospitals of the Healthcare System.
  • Support for the policy and process of decentralization of the local healthcare system, and pre-eminently defining the hospital management model
  • Collaboration in defining HR policies and assessing the use of incentives related to performance, especially in the hospital sector in general and with management teams.
  • Management policy design
  • Improvement and adaptation of logistics and supply procedures for different supplies, and the destination of human resources at the central level related to hospital management.
  • Specific support for education and training in hospital management teams